Modern Arnis / Eskrima / Kali ist die philippinische Kunst des Stock-Kampfes.
Mit den etwa 70 cm langen Stöcken aus Rattanholz werden Doppel- und Einzel-Stocktechniken trainiert. Die mit der Waffe erlernten Techniken werden auch waffenlos angewandt.
Zusätzlich werden auch Techniken des Panantukan, des Philippinischen Boxens und des Sikaran, des philippinischen Kickboxens, gelehrt.
Modern Arnis / Eskrima / Kali is the Filipino art of stick fighting.
Double and single stick techniques are trained with the approximately 70 cm long sticks made of rattan wood. The techniques learned with the weapon are also applied unarmed.
In addition, techniques of Panantukan, Filipino boxing, Sikaran and Filipino kickboxing are also practiced.
Modern Arnis / Eskrima / Kali is the Filipino art of stick fighting.
Double and single stick techniques are trained with the approximately 70 cm long sticks made of rattan wood. The techniques learned with a weapon can also be used without a weapon.
In addition, techniques from Panantukan, Filipino boxing, and Sikaran, Filipino kickboxing, are also taught.
Modern Arnis / Eskrima / Kali is the Filipino art of stick fighting.
Double and single stick techniques are trained with the approximately 70 cm long sticks made of rattan wood. The techniques learned with the weapon are also applied unarmed.
In addition, techniques of Panantukan, Filipino boxing, Sikaran and Filipino kickboxing are also practiced.