Academic Discussion in Social Sciences (B2)
Voraussetzung: 65-80 Punkte im Einstufungstest des Sprachenzentrums. Den Link zum Online-Einstufungstest für Englisch finden Sie hier:
Der Kurs wird für fortgeschrittene BA-Studierende oder beginnende MA-Studierende empfohlen.
Objective: To improve fluency in academic discussion in a range of topics by employing wider and more formal vocabulary in Social/Political Science topics. To build students’ confidence in facilitating and sustaining the discussion in seminars and workshops.
Description: This course goes beyond ‘small talk’ to provide participants with the opportunity to have an in-depth discussion over several weeks on Social/Political Science relevant topics. Articles, podcasts and videos to feed discussion will be offered, which students should read, listen and watch prior to attending class. However, students should also take the initiative to find their own material and be able to share this with the group.
Within small groups, students will practise initiating and leading discussion, and eliciting input from others. Participants will learn how to distil and summarise key points from their discussion and there will be plenary sessions for informal presentations given by each group. Any grammatical instruction or correction will be addressed at this time by the instructor. In addition, students will learn phrases and use vocabulary more suited to a formal and academic context.
Assessment: There is no formal assessment for this course, however to be awarded with the 3 credit points, students are required to attend 80% of the course, prepare in advance of each session by completing any reading given and participate actively in class.
Der (kostenfreie) Kurs ist nur für Studierende des FB 03, daher bitte bei der Anmeldung die aktuelle Studienbescheinigung und Uni-E-Mail-Adresse per E-Mail mitschicken.
Die Anmeldung erfolgt vom 25.03. bis 11.4.2024 per E-Mail an das Sprachenzentrum: